Foundation formerly called Family Association "Kemperman"

Chamber of Commerce

The Family Association "Kemperman"; an overview

The Family Association "Kemperman" was founded on October 27, 1990. It aims at gathering, researching and publication of data on the history of the Kemperman family. It also wants to encourage its members to do so evenly.
The Family Association is officially registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht as member 62917978.

Members of the "Kemperman" Family Association can be:
* Bearers of the family name "Kemperman", as well as
* Everyone being interested in the history of the "Kemperman" family name.
Beside regular members, the "Kemperman" Family Association also has household members, honorary members and favourers.

The Family Association is looking for family members, and everyone else interested, to contribute to examining the history of the “Kemperman" family name.
The Family Association yearly organizes a gathering in April, in which the General Members Meeting is combined with a social lunch and a relaxing get together. You can read more about this on the family day.

To inform our members, we also publish a bi-annual leaflet:
The "Kemperman Journal”. Due to the limited resources, the Journal is only published in Dutch.
If you want you can read them in Dutch in the archives.

The "Kemperman" family genealogy has not been completely brought to light yet, but roughly we can identify a number of branches. All branches have been ‘baptized’ with the names of the towns (all in the region of Arnhem) where the oldest identified bearer of the family name was identified.
The largest family branch is Etten-Gendringen-Huissen, dating back to around 1700. In 2001, we published the full genealogy in a first family volume. In 2006, this was followed by a second publication for the branches Silvolde I, II en III and Withaegh as a small side branch.
There are other, smaller family branches named Hummelo-Keppel and Doesburg; in the forthcoming years, the genealogy of these branches will be further investigated and captured in new publications.

The Family Association has made several family books. You can find more on the page: "Family books".
Note: all publications are written in Dutch.

Beside people being interested in our history, we also look for genealogical data from Kemperman people in other countries, like birth certificates or birth announcements, as well as notifications of marriage and decease, from present and past. In addition, interesting family stories from yesteryears will be welcomed to be included in future publications.

Joining our Family association is greatly appreciated, but even more, rendering stories and pictures of the Kemperman family is being welcomed.

These matters can be discussed with our
You can actually send anything related to the Kemperman family, such as:

  • Announcements of birth
  • Funeral cards
  • Jubilee announcements
  • Newspaper articles, or
  • Photographs and cards.
Funeral cards Jubilee announcements Homage Read in the papers Or pictures
22-12-2005 Rouwkaart Henk Kemperman, Zutphen 20-08-2004 40 jaar jubileum Diny Schut-Kemperman, Groesbeek 28-04-2006 Huldiging Thea Schotman-Kemperman (KJ32) Libelle 20-11-2004 Dorian Kemperman (KJ 29) Kemperman kadoshop, Wehl (KJ27)

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If you wish to drop a note, please use our guestbook.

Research options:
Should you want to explore your own family roots, then please contact our
Unfortunately, the amount of data is too much to be easily searchable on this website.

E-mail Guestbook

Family Association "Kemperman"©
Last updated op: 15 oktober, 2020
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All information on this website is made with care. Still it is possible that information is not correct, incomplete and / or not up-to-date.
The Family Association "Kemperman" is for this not liable.
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